Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
USS Protostar found

The USS Protostar found in a chimerium chamber of the Northwest Crevasse

The Northwest Crevasse was a deep, partially unexplored region on the prison colony mining asteroid of Tars Lamora. It was prone to sudden cave-ins, and miners sent there were required to go in pairs to prevent injury.

In 2383, Dal R'El was sent to the Northwest Crevasse in search of a fugitive known as Zero. Instead, he and Rok-Tahk caused a partial cave-in and uncovered a hidden chamber within a chimerium cave. Within, they discovered the abandoned USS Protostar and used it to escape the colony. (PRO: "Lost and Found")

The ship had been hidden there for several decades, and was the reason The Diviner was mining the asteroid. (PRO: "Kobayashi")
