Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Nonsense, gibberish, or gobbledygook was something such as speech, writing, behavior, an opinion, idea, or any other concept which lacked coherent meaning or was foolish.

In 1968, a nuclear warhead was placed in sub-orbit of Earth by a major power and the United States in response planned to launch a suborbital platform with multi-warhead capacity to maintain the balance of power. Gary Seven stated that was the same kind of nonsense that almost destroyed the planet Omicron IV. (TOS: "Assignment: Earth")

In 2364, Q, wearing a 20th century United States Marine Corps uniform, told Captain Jean-Luc Picard that patriotism was at stake and that Picard must return to Earth and put an end to the communists. Picard noted such nonsense was centuries behind them. After Q had put the crew of the USS Enterprise-D on trial to answer for the savageries of their species, Lieutenant Commander Data objected due to a 2036 United Nations declaration that no Earth citizen could be made to answer for the crimes of their race or forebears. Q denied the objection as it was a court of 2079, by which time all United Earth nonsense had been abolished. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")

In 2373, Captain Kathryn Janeway guessed that no one else in the universe would have Q as a mate after he chose her. Q called the statement nonsense as he could have also chosen a Klingon targ, the Romulan empress, or a Cyrillian microbe. (VOY: "The Q and the Grey")

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