Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Nausicaa was an inhabited planet in the Beta Quadrant, and was the homeworld of the Nausicaan species.

In 2151, Matthew Ryan suggested that, if Enterprise NX-01 delivered a Nausicaan prisoner back to Nausicaa, the Nausicaans would probably give the returned captive a medal. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")

In 2327, Ensign Jean-Luc Picard initiated a bar fight with a group of Nausicaans by insulting, among other things, their planet. (TNG: "Samaritan Snare")


Background information[]

In the first draft script of "Fortunate Son", Admiral Forrest notified Captain Archer that Starfleet had filed a complaint with Nausicaa, regarding Nausicaan pirates operating in a particular sector of space, but that the Nausicaan government was, according to the Vulcans, in a constant mode of "transition."


According to the RPG sourcebook Planets of the UFP, Nausicaa was the third planet in its system.

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