Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Monean Maritime Sovereignty was the governing body of the Moneans, a people who lived on a water planetoid in the Delta Quadrant. It was composed of 47 regional sovereigns, who as of the mid-2370s had apparently never passed a unanimous resolution.

In 2375, the USS Voyager encountered the Moneans and helped them investigate the loss of containment that was threatening their home. They found that the Moneans' oxygen refineries were responsible as, by extracting oxygen, the Moneans were increasing the density of the water. The increased density forced the artificial core of the ocean to divert energy from containment to its force fields in order to avoid being crushed. The scientist Riga recommended that drastic measures be taken to curb their rate of oxygen extraction. The Sovereignty council passed the recommendations to their subcommittees of life support and agriculture, but it seemed unlikely that they would implement the changes in time to save the ocean.

In response, Tom Paris and Riga attempted to destroy the main oxygen refinery, leading to a tense standoff between the Moneans and Voyager. After Voyager prevented Tom's plan, it departed. (VOY: "Thirty Days")
