Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Mitochondria were intracellular structures in biological lifeforms that played a key role in metabolism. They, a class of organelles, were believed to have originated from a symbiotic relationship between an ancient unicellular organism and another that had entered it. (VOY: "Once Upon a Time")

One test performed on mitochondria was a mitochondrial scan. (VOY: "Life Line")

During a scan of Aldean DNA in 2364, Doctor Beverly Crusher was able to confirm that mitochondrial deficiencies were not responsible for the Aldeans' sterility. (TNG: "When The Bough Breaks")

Mitochondrial structure was recorded by the transporter, and often useful for identifying remains following a transporter accident. In 2367, Doctor Crusher compared the mitochondrial structure from the remains of Vulcan Ambassador T'Pel to that of her last transport. The discrepancies between the remains and the transporter pattern led Crusher and Lieutenant Commander Data to deduce that the remains had been replicated, indicating Romulan treachery. (TNG: "Data's Day")

Elias Giger claimed Doctor Bathkin of Andros III believed he could keep cells energized by "teaching them new mitochondrial tricks". (DS9: "In the Cards")

In 2372, Julian Bashir studied plants on Bopak III that had adenosine triphosphate forming enzymes in their mitochondria, while trying to see what had "cured" Goran'Agar of his addiction to the Dominion's ketracel-white. (DS9: "Hippocratic Oath")

The Doctor gave Naomi Wildman a lesson on cellular biology in early 2375. Mitochondria were part of the topic; The Doctor compared them to potatoes in appearance, while Naomi likened them to "the warp core of the cell." (VOY: "Once Upon a Time")

Multiphasic prions initially attached themselves to the mitochondrial walls before migrating to the cell membranes. (VOY: "Good Shepherd")

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