Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Missile silo outside

Missile complex exterior, Earth

A missile complex or missile silo was a structure in which missiles were housed ready for launch if needed. Such missiles included nuclear missiles or antimatter weapons.

Earth Missile Complexes[]

Bozeman, Montana Missile Complex

Missile complex interior

On Earth, missile complexes were part of the military infrastructure associated with World War III. After the war, Dr. Zefram Cochrane re-utilized one such site in Montana as a launch facility for his his Phoenix ship, itself a modified nuclear missile. (Star Trek: First Contact)

U.S.A.F. markings within the complex would seem to suggest that this facility was originally owned by the United States Air Force.

Otrin Missile Complexes[]

Antimatter missile

Missile silo interior, Otrin's homeworld

On Otrin's homeworld, missile silos housing defensive antimatter weapons were built after the Friendship 1 probe introduced antimatter technology to the locals. (VOY: "Friendship One")

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