Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Mendoza was the Federation representative during the negotiations for the Barzan wormhole aboard the USS Enterprise-D in 2366.

Mendoza was a skilled negotiator and was well respected, particularly by Devinoni Ral, who represented the Chrysalians at the proceedings. However, it was DaiMon Goss who saw Mendoza as the greatest threat to the Ferengi bid for the wormhole and so he allowed Doctor Arridor to use distilled pyrocytes to provoke an allergic reaction in Mendoza. Mendoza fell ill and had to be replaced in the negotiations by Commander William Riker.

Riker was reluctant to take on the role, despite having been previously praised by Mendoza as an astute observer and a good poker player. (TNG: "The Price")

Mendoza was played by actor Castulo Guerra.

According to the script, his first name was Seth, and he was described as "a middle-aged man with intelligent eyes and confidence."

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