Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"Ah! The blood of my enemies is forever immortalized on my d'k tahg. I can still taste their final panicked screams. My death will be ecstasy. A glorious end that will take me straight to Sto-vo-kor. I have honored my house, but will you?"
– Martok, 2381 ("The Least Dangerous Game")

Martok was the interactive narrator and referee of the Ferengi-made Klingon-based video board game Bat'leths & BiHnuchs. He was based on the Klingon Chancellor Martok.

Brad Boimler was first introduced to the character in 2381 when, following Martok's introduction to the game, remarked "I can't believe Martok recorded all this. You'd think he'd be too busy being a chancellor and stuff." D'Vana Tendi responded, clarifying that the "real" Martok didn't record it, and that it was "a Ferengi knockoff," with Sam Rutherford adding that "they do it for all the famous Klingons." Beckett Mariner also later commented on the character, "Damn, they really programmed Martok with, like, full intensity at all times."

When Boimler was being hunted by K'ranch, he stumbled into the repair bay where they were previously playing Bat'leths & Bihnuchs. As he hid next to the game table, the game PADD reactivated and Martok began speaking. After Boimler shushed Martok, he explained how he was being hunted, to which he was encouraged by Martok to not let his foe define who he was. (LD: "The Least Dangerous Game")

Martok was voiced by J.G. Hertzler.
