Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Guinan firing her Magus III energy weapon

Guinan with a weapon from Magus III

For the similarly named planet, please see Makus III.

Magus III was the inhabited third planet in its star system. This world had been visited by Guinan in 2367.

In that year, when REM sleep-deprived crewmembers aboard the USS Enterprise-D began to draft conspiracy theories about their inability to escape the Tyken's Rift in Ten Forward, Guinan was able to defuse the situation by firing an energy-beam rifle at the ceiling. She said she had acquired the weapon on Magus III. (TNG: "Night Terrors")

At some point in or prior to 2380, Beckett Mariner acquired a scar on Magus III in what she described as a "high-concept fight". (LD: "Temporal Edict")

This planet was only mentioned in dialogue.
