Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Lyssarian Prime Conclave was the lead government of the Lyssarians.

Prior to 2153, the Lyssarian Prime Conclave declared the creation of mimetic simbiots using Lyssarian Desert Larvae illegal due to the ethical ramifications of creating living, sentient beings. This dictate was defied by the Velandran Circle, a group of Lyssarian scientists, whose illegal research on simbiots had led them to make largely unsubstantiated claims of a way to stop the rapid aging process.

When Jonathan Archer decided to use the simbiot to save Charles Tucker III's life, T'Pol asked Archer if he was aware "that the Lyssarian Prime Conclave has banned the creation of simbiots," to which Archer replied, "We don't answer to the Lyssarian Prime Conclave." (ENT: "Similitude")
