Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Ligos VII was the seventh planet in the Ligos system. There were rich deposits of vendarite on this planet. By 2369, there was a Starfleet science team, with a complement of 103 personnel, on the planet.

That year, the USS Enterprise-D received a distress signal from the team. Captain Jean-Luc Picard speculated that, as the planet had periodic volcanic activity, the planet might be entering into an active phase and the team might be threatened by this activity.

It was quickly revealed that the team was briefly captured by DaiMon Lurin, a Ferengi privateer. The team members were made to work as slave laborers, extracting the mineral from dangerous mines on the planet. When Lurin's men captured the Enterprise, its crew was forced into slavery as well. However, Commander William Riker and the children of the Enterprise (led by a transformed Captain Picard) retook the ship, rescued the crew, and shut down Lurin's operation. (TNG: "Rascals")
