Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Life creation technnology was made by the Progenitors. It was a technology similar to, but much more sophisticated than, the Genesis Device, in that it could design and create life, but not restore it. The Progenitors had worried about doing too much with the technology which was why they had only chosen to seed life, and they had not created the technology, but merely found it. The Progenitor made Captain Burnham the new steward of the technology and gave Burnham the choice of what was the best thing to do with it, showing her the four and a half billion years of events that had led to everyone in the present day being alive.

Ultimately, Burnham chose to have USS Discovery throw the portal into the event horizon of one of the black holes, trusting that what the Progenitors created for them was enough and that the species responsible for creating the technology – if they still existed – would have the ability to recreate it should they wish to do so. Doctor Kovich later reported that the Red Directive had officially been closed, everything classified, and no one would ever know anything about the Progenitors' technology. (DIS: "Life, Itself")
