Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Lambda field generator

A schematic of a lambda field generator

A lambda field generator was a field generator which produced lambda waves.

In the United Federation of Planets, these generators were available from Starfleet Materiel Supply Command, and operational specifications on these generators were detailed in the Starfleet material supply command database.

These generators could be used in conjunction with a Krieger wave converter to produce Krieger waves. Doctor Nel Apgar developed this procedure in the 2360s, using a 23 megawatt low frequency lambda field generator for his experiments. The generator was located on the surface of Tanuga IV, while the converter was located on the space station in orbit of the planet. The converter required a minimum of five thousand kilometers for the lambda field to produce parallel rays of light.

When the USS Enterprise-D visited the Tanuga IV research station in 2366, Dr. Apgar started the lambda field generator (and therefore created Krieger waves) in an attempt to kill Commander William T. Riker. However, he instead destroyed the station and killed himself in the process. After the explosion, the generator continued to recharge and fire every five hours, twenty minutes and three seconds. When the Enterprise used Apgar's designs to create a facsimile of the converter on the holodeck, to determine what happened, more Krieger waves were inadvertently generated and hit random parts of the ship, based on its relative location to the lambda field generator. (TNG: "A Matter of Perspective")


(Diagram A)

(Diagram B)

  • Primary isotanium grid with integral duotronic Payne matrix and secondary loop
  • Graf emission plate (12)
  • Bruno coils (3)
  • Lee resonance gap, rated for at least 120 mw/second under normal Greenburg pressures
  • Cryogenic helium supply spheres for Garza subspace core

See also[]
