Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Lakanta was the identity of a tribal member of the Native American civilization on Dorvan V used by The Traveler. In 2370, he approached Wesley Crusher, whose spirit was troubled as to his future. Lakanta told Crusher that he saw Crusher in a vision quest that he performed and had been waiting two years to meet him. Lakanta told him that he could provide answers to his questions.

He took Crusher to a habak, a traditional Native American place where one could begin a vision quest. Crusher met his deceased father in his vision quest who told him to follow his own path, not his father's path. After Crusher helped stop a war between the colonists and Cardassians, Lakanta revealed his true identity. (TNG: "Journey's End")

Lakanta was played by actor Tom Jackson.

In the first draft script, this character was called Panaka.
