Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

According to a deleted scene from the script for the Star Trek: The Next Generation seventh season episode "Sub Rosa", Kilmarnock (pronounced "KILL-mar-nock") was a burgh in Scotland on Earth, where Ned Quint was born. When he explained to Beverly Crusher how he believed, and subsequently tried to warn Felisa Howard that her house was haunted, he responded to his own comment, about them thinking they were smarter than him, "Just an old man with tales of ghosts and goblins" Adding, "But I was born in Kilmarnock – the real Kilmarnock on Earth. I've seen things there on the moors at night that canna be explained by a tricorder, or a fancy ship." This scene is included on the TNG Season 7 Blu-ray release.

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