Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Carved phi

Symbol left by Oros to mean Kayalise

Kayalise, meaning something like "home", was a paradisaical parallel universe with a long history in the culture of Oros' species. It was said to be the most peaceful of all possible universes, a "place beyond suffering".

Oros, a scientist enslaved by the Emerald Chain in the late 32nd century, believed that his calculations proved the existence of Kayalise. He spent years secretly designing an interdimensional transporter to reach it, an endeavor he came to share with fellow slave Ruon Tarka. After Tarka escaped their work camp and Oros disappeared, Tarka found their symbol for Kayalise, that of the golden ratio, carved into a wall of their lab. He believed it meant that Oros had succeeded in reaching Kayalise, despite all odds, and was waiting for him there.

Tarka would go to extreme lengths to join Oros in Kayalise, which eventually took him to the hyperfield of Species 10-C outside the galaxy in 3190. While trying to sway Cleveland Booker and Jett Reno to his side, Tarka told them that they could reunite with their lost loved ones in Kayalise. However, Booker and Reno replied that even if those personas were present in another universe, they would not be the same people. Ultimately, Tarka chose to remain aboard Booker's ship as it collided with the hyperfield, hoping that the impact would be enough to power his interdimensional transporter and take him to Kayalise. (DIS: "The Galactic Barrier", "Coming Home")
