Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Kaminar system was an inhabited planetary system located outside of Federation space as of 2257. The system consisted of the primary and seven planets, including Kaminar, homeworld to the warp-capable Ba'ul and the pre-warp Kelpiens.

In 2257, the USS Discovery picked up a third red burst indicating the presence of the Red Angel near Kaminar, in the Kaminar system. Joann Owosekun and R.A. Bryce brought up displays of the system during the mission. (DIS: "The Sound of Thunder")

Kaminar system before council

Holographic display of the Kaminar system in the 32nd century

In 3190, while a Kelpien and Ba'ul Alliance body discussed whether to use new-found dilithium to return to space or benefit their "home," Saru explained that "home" can mean many things, and expanded the meaning beyond Kaminar. In doing so, Saru brought up a holographic display of the Kaminar system including its seven planets and sun. (DIS: "Kobayashi Maru")

Display graphics in "The Sound of Thunder" depict a system of six planets, though in "Kobayashi Maru", Saru notes that Kaminar shares their sun with "six other planets in our solar system," suggesting a total of seven.
