Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Kaminar High Council

The underwater chambers of the Kaminar High Council

The Kaminar High Council was the governing body of the Kelpien and Ba'ul Alliance on the planet Kaminar in the 32nd century. The councilors met in a large chamber built underwater, with the terrestrial Kelpiens inside and the aquatic Ba'ul outside.

In 3190, the council debated what should be done with the dilithium given to the planet as a gift by the Federation. Their choices were to use it to return to the stars or to use it for the benefit of the citizens. When pressed to give his opinion, Great Elder Saru made an argument for the former option. (DIS: "Kobayashi Maru")

Later that year, the council contacted Saru regarding the revelation that the Dark Matter Anomaly was artificially created. (DIS: "The Examples")
