Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Discovery, and thus may contain spoilers.

Kalzara Bix was a joined Trill who lived in the 32nd century. As with her symbiont's previous hosts, she took on the responsibility of protecting the second piece of a map containing the location of an immensely powerful Progenitor technology, which had been hidden on the planet Trill by Jinaal Bix in the late 24th century.

By 3191, both Kalzara and the Bix symbiont were nearing the end of their natural lives and sought to rest. When the USS Discovery arrived seeking the second map piece, Kalzara first tested Captain Michael Burnham with a riddle concerning the first map piece on Lyrek, then informed her that they must speak to Jinaal directly. Through the zhian'tara, Jinaal's consciousness was temporarily transferred to the body of Doctor Hugh Culber.

Shortly after the map piece was recovered and Jinaal's consciousness rejoined with Bix, Kalzara passed away and her symbiont returned to the Caves of Mak'ala. (DIS: "Jinaal")

Kalzara was played by Clare Coulter.
