Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

"Jamake Highwater" (13 February 19313 June 2001; age 70), born Jackie Marks, served as a consultant on Native American culture to Star Trek: Voyager. Though he claimed American Indian ancestry, he was in fact of Eastern European Jewish background. "Highwater" was heavily criticized by actual American Indians for his writings, which typically contained stereotypical and inaccurate depictions of Indian culture. (A Vision of the Future - Star Trek: Voyager, p.199)

Work on Voyager[]

Marks, in his fake identity as "Jamake Highwater", was hired as a consultant on Star Trek: Voyager to advise the producers on Native American culture. His work influenced the development of the Chakotay character, including key details such as animal guides, vision quests and more. One such example is that Michael Piller consulted with him before writing the animal guide subplot for "The Cloud".

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