Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Jackal mastiff

A jackal mastiff

The jackal mastiff was a type of Klingon animal used as a form of guard dog.

The Klingons used jackal mastiffs to guard the prisoners on the penal colony of Rura Penthe. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)

The jackal mastiff, which was identified by name in the script and end credits, was created by Greg Cannom. A reference to a "Klingon jackal" in DS9: "Tears of the Prophets" may have been referring to this animal.


The Klingon name of this animal is possibly ngavyaw'.

The word was introduced and approved by Marc Okrand at the 2019 qep'a' convention. It is defined as "This is a large dog-like creature, larger than a qovIj. It is a large animal, like the creatures that accompany the guards on Rura Penthe." The term "like" leaves it open if the jackal mastiffs on Rura Penthe are examples of ngavyaw'mey on screen or if the are only "alike".

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