Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"We want your ship pieces to add to our ship pieces, so that we have all the ship pieces!"
Jackabog, 2380 ("No Small Parts")

Jackabog was a Pakled pirate starship commander in the late 24th century.

In 2380, his ship ambushed and destroyed the USS Solvang in the Kalla system so he could integrate its components into his own ship. When the USS Cerritos arrived to investigate, Jackabog captured them, and began tearing the vessel apart using grapplers, as well as sending boarding parties aboard. However, his plot was foiled when Ensign Sam Rutherford and Lieutenant Shaxs boarded his ship, and implanted a computer virus that triggered a self-destruct sequence. (LD: "No Small Parts")

Jackabog was voiced by Rich Fulcher.

His name was not spoken in dialogue, but was revealed in the episode's closed captioning.
