Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Ja'rod was a male Klingon and citizen of the Klingon Empire in the 24th century. He was the father of Duras, Lursa, and B'Etor, and the leader of the House of Duras. He was also an old and bitter enemy of Mogh and the House of Mogh.

In 2346, he moved to the colony on Khitomer. He had decided to collaborate with the Romulan Star Empire. He transmitted the colony's defense codes to the Romulans, who used the codes to lower the colony's deflector shield and attack. In the ensuing massacre, over 4,000 Klingons were killed, including Ja'rod and Mogh.

Ja'rod's responsibility was unknown to the Klingons for the next twenty years until a Romulan record of the attack on the outpost was discovered in 2366. However, by this time Ja'rod's son Duras had become politically powerful on the Klingon High Council, and the High Council chose to officially blame Mogh for the disaster instead, in order to keep the Empire from breaking into civil war. (TNG: "Sins of The Father")

On the family crest of the House of Duras, Ja'rod was represented by a symbol. (TNG: "Firstborn")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Ja'rod's treachery and Worf's adoption is depicted in the Lost Era novel The Art of the Impossible.

While Ja'rod was never seen on camera, a trading card was created for the Star Trek Customizable Card Game using photo elements of depicted members of the House of Duras, combined together using Photoshop.

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