Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

In sociology and psychology, attraction was a quality or feeling that evoked interest, desire, or pleasure from a person for another person, animal, object, place, or other thing. Attraction between people could lead to the development of romantic or platonic love. Types of interpersonal attraction were physical and sexual attraction.

In 2266, Communications Officer Nyota Uhura stated she was an illogical woman who was beginning to feel too much a part of her communications console and asked Spock why he didn't tell her that she was an attractive young lady. (TOS: "The Man Trap")

In 2268, Doctor Leonard McCoy described tribbles as nice, soft, furry, and pleasant sounding, despite having no practical use; and that it was a Human characteristic to love little animals, especially if they were attractive in some way. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")

Telepathic Lwaxana Troi was forced to terminate the employment of her valet, Mr. Xelo, because he was strongly attracted to her and his thoughts became truly pornographic. (TNG: "Haven")

In 2375, Jean-Luc Picard told Anij that he had always been attracted to older women. (Star Trek: Insurrection)

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