Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Alien foreman's inhaler

The inhaler of the alien foreman

Orn Lote using an inhaler

Orn Lote using an inhaler

An inhaler was a portable device which produced a drug to ease breathing.

Inhalers were used by the foreman of a trellium-D mine in the Delphic Expanse and by Orn Lote on planet Tagra IV. (ENT: "The Xindi"; TNG: "True Q")

Neither of these two devices were identified by name on screen, though the final draft script of "The Xindi" referred to the foreman's breathing device as an "inhaler". Also, Lote's device is clearly used for the same purpose but was instead referred to as "a small oxygen-type mask" in the final draft script of "True Q". [1]

B'eth had an inhaler to mitigate the effects of her feather allergy. After she collapsed on top of Migleemo, who had not moved out of her way after she inhaled some of his down, Mistress D'Erika Tendi ordered her subordinates to fetch the device. (LD: "Old Friends, New Planets")

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