Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Alien hydraulic technology

Alien hydraulics in 2151

Hydraulics refers to technology that uses fluid power to accomplish work.

In 2151, the crew of Enterprise NX-01 discovered a bio pump utilizing hydraulics technology on board an Axanar cargo ship being used to drain the dead Axanar crew of triglobulin. (ENT: "Fight or Flight")

Hydraulics were used heavily in terraforming in the late 24th century. Arthur Malencon was a hydraulics specialist on the planet Velara III at the Velara Base, and utilized hydraulic landscaping to create basins on the planet. (TNG: "Home Soil")

Klingon Birds-of-Prey had hydro-static systems that utilized hydraulic power. In 2374, Alexander Rozhenko flooded an entire deck of the IKS Rotarran with superheated hydraulic fluid when he accidentally activated the hydro-static system pumps while the check valves were open. (DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited")

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