Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Alternate reality

Hider was an alien male who was stranded on the planet Altamid by Krall.

Along with Fi'Ja and Zavanko, he approached a crashed Kelvin pod and tried to attack Montgomery Scott, though they were stopped by Jaylah; after a brief fight, they eventually left her and Scotty alone. (Star Trek Beyond)

Hider was portrayed by Fraser Aitcheson. This character was only named in the source's end credits.

In concept artwork, this character was referred to as "Quills", whereas the name "Hider" was applied to Fi'Ja. [1] [2] In Prosthetics magazine (issue 5, pp. 12, 15), this character was again called "Quills", though the same publication referred to Zavanko as "Hider Zavanko". [3] [4] A picture on Fraser Aitcheson's Instagram account identifies this character as the one he played in Star Trek Beyond. [5] In the film's credits sequence, the character played by Aitcheson is referred to as "Hider".
