Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Grish was a Ferengi pirate who worked with Ulis in 2151.

Grish and two other Ferengi helped Ulis in an attempt to pillage Enterprise NX-01, once they had rendered its crew unconscious with anesthesia gas.

After being awakened by Commander Tucker, who was unaffected by the anesthetic used by the Ferengi, Sub-Commander T'Pol was able to convince Muk that Ulis was trying to rob him of his share of the profits. Grish's greed motivated him to trust Tucker, who led him, Ulis, and Muk into a trap, where they were ambushed by T'Pol.

Upon recovering, Grish and the other Ferengi were forced to carry all the items they had loaded onto their own ship back onto the Enterprise. They were then allowed to leave aboard their vessel, with Krem, a Ferengi who had been treated with disrespect by the others, now in command. (ENT: "Acquisition")

Grish was played by Matt Malloy.

In the final draft script of "Acquisition", Grish was initially described as "a meeker Ferengi [than Muk] who does what he's told."
