Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of unnamed Gorn trading vessels.

Cestus III raider []

Gorn starship

A raider

In 2267, this raider approached the Earth outpost on Cestus III at space-normal speed using the outpost's regular approach route. Before the outpost knew what hit them, the Gorn ship knocked out the outpost's phaser batteries with their first salvo, leaving the outpost defenseless. The weapon used was described by a survivor as being "like phasers, only worse." The Gorn ship continued to assault the outpost, until it was obliterated, killing a vast majority of the crew and their families.

The Gorn starship later attacked the USS Enterprise, which had been lured to the colony by false signals. The Enterprise's counterattack with full phaser and photon torpedo banks proved ineffective against the deflector screen of the Gorn ship, which was located just outside visual range.

After the Gorn ship retrieved its landing party via transporter, it withdrew from Cestus III, and attempted to flee into an area uncharted by the Federation at that time. The Enterprise pursued, and eventually overtook the Gorn ship at Warp 8, before both ships were immobilized by the Metrons. (TOS: "Arena")

Trading vessel []

Gorn trading vessel

A trading vessel

In 2384, this trading vessel assisted the Federation armada that had been taken over by the living construct, by absorbing hits from friendly fire. (PRO: "Supernova, Part 1")
