Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Goodgey was a hologram in the form of a silver anthropomorphic Starfleet insignia. He consisted of all the "good" partitioned from Sam Rutherford's original program, Badgey. After Badgey's ascension, Rutherford took Goodgey aboard the USS Cerritos with him and installed Goodgey as an AI guidance system for Rutherford's shuttle grapplers. Goodgey got shocked while trying to help and briefly took on a more menacing appearance along with a status bar, but when it was over, Goodgey was apparently back to normal. (LD: "A Few Badgeys More")

Goodgey later listened to Captain Carol Freeman's ship-wide transmission revealing her intention to defy orders and rescue her daughter from Nova Fleet. Along with the rest of the crew, Goodgey chose to aid Freeman in her endeavor. (LD: "Old Friends, New Planets")

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