Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Alshain IV

Activated geomagnetic compensators around Alshain IV

A geomagnetic compensator was a type of artificial satellite developed by the Alshain to compensate for the shifting of Alshain IV's magnetic poles, which began in the late 29th century and would have otherwise impaired the Alshain's ability to navigate during flight. The satellites used dilithium to stabilize their power supply.

Following the Burn in the mid-31st century, the Alshain ran out of dilithium and were no longer able to power their geomagnetic compensator array. During a diplomatic mission to Alshain IV in 3190, the crew of the USS Discovery ascertained the problem and restored the array by sending DOT-23s to supply the satellites with more dilithium. This earned them the goodwill of Emperor Lee'U and his people. (DIS: "Kobayashi Maru")

The satellite was designed by Lee Fitzgerald. [1]
