Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The decks of a Galaxy-class Federation starship.

Master systems display of the Galaxy-class USS Enterprise-D
  • Deck 5
Galaxy class deck 6 graphic

A partial graphic of deck 6 layout.

Though referenced as holodeck 3 in "The Big Goodbye", the door label reads "Holographic Environmental Simulator 4J 2917.

Although it is barely readable, sensor maintenance seems to be located on deck 14 room 2014.

  • Decks 23 to 24
    • Impulse System (Main), Fusion Reaction Systems (TNG: "Contagion", display graphic)
  • Deck 35
    • Aft Photon Torpedo Launcher (based on MSD)
The Chief Engineer's office may be located on this deck. (TNG: "Galaxy's Child")