Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

Under the command of Captain James T. Kirk, the starship 'Enterprise' drifted through the deep space of the virtually unexplored Omega Galaxy…


Palnak's collection

A sample of Palnak's vast collection

Kirk and Spock are plucked out of time by a collector in the far future.

Memorable quotes[]

"We'll take a look for ourselves. That's what our mission's all about."

- Kirk, exploring the Omega Galaxy

"Is that you, Skipper?"
"Get off the air, you madman! You're giving us away!"

- Scotty calling Kirk at an inopportune time

Background information[]


  • Kirk wears a red uniform. Scotty and Sulu wear blue ones.
  • Kirk swears by Jupiter.
  • Despite recording a personal testimony of Spock's life story, Palnak still calls Spock "Earthman".

Setting and technology[]

Palnak's museum

Palnak's museum in the 33rd century

  • There are few clues as to the timing of this story. Uhura wears a red uniform, so it must take place after "Mudd's Women" (2266), but before Arex comes aboard (2269).
  • The Omega Galaxy is likely just a region of the Milky Way Galaxy labeled or classified as "Omega".
  • Kirk orders a 'questing missile' to probe the planet.
  • Uhura automatically hails the planet on all frequencies; this seems to conflict with the Prime Directive.
  • The Enterprise is said to make a "routine orbital descent".
  • Kirk and Spock beam down to a random location without first scanning for cities.
  • The planet's animal life includes birds and an armadillo-like creature.
  • Kirk activates a translator built into his communicator.
  • Palnak built his museum around the 2760s (500 years old), and he lives approximately in the 3260s (1000 years from Kirk's 'present').
  • Rather than an earpiece, Uhura wear headphones with a built-in microphone.
  • The December 2014
  • Palnak's time travel method uses a 'sonic vibrator'. It is described as a 'disintegration and transportation process', which could be some form of temporal transporter.
  • Scotty takes two shuttlecraft (including the Galileo) to the planet with at least sixteen security men, all wearing blue.
  • The motif of a collector from the distant future retrieving specimens from the past was revisited in the 2014 eBook novella "Star Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations: The Collectors".

Publishing history[]

None of the UK weekly stories had titles. Each installment was two pages in length.

Cover gallery[]


Regular cast[]

Other characters[]

  • Palnak the Ageless One, aka "The Collector"

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UK Story Arc #13 Star Trek Comic Strip (UK)
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UK Story Arc #15