Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of unnamed Loque'eque.

Mutagenic Loque'eque[]

Mutagenic Loque'eque were other species whose DNA was transformed by a mutagenic virus.

An Xindi-Arboreal pilot was infected but was exterminated by a group of exterminators.

Malcolm Reed, Hoshi Sato, Jonathan Archer, and T'Pol were infected with the virus and all but T'Pol were transformed into Loque'eque. Doctor Phlox was successful in synthesizing an antidote, returning them to their Human form. (ENT: "Extinction")

Urquat citizens []


Several Urquat citizens

These Urquat citizens were part of a dream that Captain Jonathan Archer, who was affected by a mutagenic virus, had in which he envisioned the planet as it had been before the Loque'eque became extinct. (ENT: "Extinction")

The Loque'eque seen in this episode were CGI created.
