Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

Lieutenant Colonel Fellini was a male Human military officer in the 20th century. In 1969, he served in the Air Police, a law enforcement agency in the United States Air Force. He was assigned to the 498th Airbase Group, based in the Omaha installation, and he had an office in the Security Section. By that year, he was a seasoned Air Force officer with many years of service, a veteran of the Second World War, and a recipient of several high Air Force decorations. Fellini was a very stern and by-the-book officer.

During an inadvertent incursion to 1969, the USS Enterprise was approached by an aircraft. Images of it were caught by the aircraft's wing cameras, and a description of the encounter was recorded by flight control of the US 498th Airbase Group.

After destroying the aircraft, Kirk ordered the pilot, Captain John Christopher, beamed aboard. This created a potential conflict, as Christopher's as yet unborn son Shaun would be a vital part of the timeline that ultimately led to the Federation. Forced with a need to return Christopher, Kirk visited the air base to recover the taped and filmed evidence. He succeeded in this, but tripped a silent alarm, drawing the attention of the air police, including Fellini. He was the duty officer at the time. Kirk distracted the air police long enough for Sulu, his partner in crime, to escape. They captured Captain Kirk. Fellini could not understand how Kirk had infiltrated a top secret Air Force base and became infuriated at Kirk's very bemused attitude towards the entire situation. Fellini questioned Kirk at length, without learning much, before Spock beamed down and rescued Kirk.

Spock's method for returning to the future essentially erased this timeline, so, in effect, Kirk never visited the air base and was never captured by Fellini. (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday")

Fellini was played by Ed Peck.

Several points about Fellini's backstory can be interpreted by the awards seen on his uniform. Fellini wears the Good Conduct Medal, indicating that he was enlisted prior to becoming an officer, as well as the Air Force Distinguished Service Medal, which was an extremely high-level decoration normally awarded to generals.

The novel From History's Shadow gives him the first name Lucas.

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