Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

For the 24th century scout ship, please see Federation mission scoutship.

A Federation scout ship was a type of small Federation-built one-man scout ship of common design, utilized during the latter half of the 23rd century by Federation citizens. The ships of this class were not capable of outrunning a Klingon D7-class battle cruiser for long periods of time.

In 2269, Cyrano Jones operated a Federation scout ship during his parole from starbase Deep Space Station K-7. The ship was detected by USS Enterprise, when Jones was escaping from the Klingons. The IKS Gr'oth commanded by Koloth violated Federation space in pursuit of Jones and destroyed the scout ship moments after Jones was beamed to safety aboard the Enterprise. (TAS: "More Tribbles, More Troubles")

As noted in the final draft of the episode script of "More Tribbles, More Troubles" (dated 23 April 1973) the ship is described as "puny" and "not as fast or powerful as the massive Klingon battlecruiser pursuing."
