Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Bajoran farming tools

Two Bajoran farming tools

A farm implement, farm tool, or farm equipment was any general tool used for farming.

After arriving on the surface of the Bajoran moon Jerrado, Mullibok didn't have any kind of farm implements, and as such faced starvation. Eventually homemade tools were created and they were used by Baltrim and Keena on the land surrounding Mullibok's cottage.

When Baltrim cornered Kira, the script described, that he "stands holding a menacing looking farm implement (probably resembling a long-handled pike) leveled at Kira." [1]

In 2369, the two Bajorans also used these tools to menace Major Kira Nerys after she beamed down to the cottage. They later attacked a Bajoran security guard with them, he claimed, "Major! They're crazy! The man just stuck me with a farm tool, and she attacked me from behind!" (DS9: "Progress")

Type of farm implements[]

See also

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