Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Captain Durango was a Tellarite male Starfleet officer who lived during the mid-24th century.

Durango served aboard the USS Illinois alongside Carol Freeman several years before 2380. Freeman also noted that she had known him since 2365.

By the time he made captain, he commanded the USS Merced during a mission in 2380, wherein the Merced was ordered to preserve the recently discovered ancient generation ship alongside the USS Cerritos.

During his briefing with the Cerritos' senior staff, he was interrupted several times by Ensign Beckett Mariner, who was there to pass out PADDs, with her excessive yawning. Mariner later described him as being "super boring", next stating, as if in Durango's own voice, "Oh, I'm boring. I love museums and dust and old gates."

While dragging the alien vessel with a tractor beam, a moment of one-upmanship by Durango led to a leakage of terraforming emulsion from the alien vessel, resulting in the Merced becoming damaged beyond repair. Captain Carol Freeman and, the since promoted Lieutenant Mariner were able to save the entire crew complement by beaming them to the stasis chamber of the generation ship. (LD: "Moist Vessel")

By 2381, Durango's ship was repaired, and joined the other California-class ships in fighting the USS Aledo. (LD: "The Stars At Night")

Durango was voiced by Al Rodrigo. [1]
