Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Dot, as presented within the context of the Starfleet Science film The Tardigrade in Space, was a DOT-7 worker robot that encountered a tardigrade named "Ephraim" during its attempts to protect the USS Enterprise. Dot constantly engaged with Ephraim, unaware that the tardigrade laid her eggs in the Enterprise warp core until 2285, when Dot discovered them just before the ship was lost in the atmosphere of the Genesis Planet. Dot was damaged when the self-destruct system detonated, but the robot managed to save Ephraim's eggs and return them to her. (ST: "Ephraim and Dot")

Dot (blue)

A blue-marked Dot

In the first trailer for the episode "Ephraim and Dot", Dot appeared with blue markings instead of red ones, like the DOT-7s previously seen in Star Trek: Discovery.
