Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Dominion Intelligence was the branch responsible for information gathering within the Dominion. It was similar in operation to Dominion Security.

In 2372, Dominion Intelligence ascertained the location of renegade Jem'Hadar who attempted to restore an Iconian gateway for themselves. They passed the information to Weyoun and Captain Benjamin Sisko, allowing them to find and destroy the gateway. (DS9: "To the Death")

Dominion Intelligence remained highly active during the Dominion War. It detected the sudden disengagement of the Second, Fifth, and Ninth Fleets from their respective fronts and tracked their movement towards Starbase 375 in preparation for Operation Return. (DS9: "Favor the Bold")

In 2375, Weyoun discussed with Damar a number of surprises discovered about the Breen following the creation of the Breen-Dominion Alliance, noting that despite the intelligence reports that said that their homeworld, Breen, was a frozen wasteland, it was discovered, in fact, to have a quite comfortable climate. (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil")

In the final months of the war, DI determined that the Federation Alliance had developed countermeasures for the energy dissipater, forcing a complete withdrawal to the Cardassian core worlds. (DS9: "The Dogs of War")
