Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Detrion 9 was the uninhabited ninth planet of the Detrion system. It did not have natural satellites, and was incapable of supporting life.

The orbit of Detrion 9 had an eccentricity of 0.00134333, an inclination of 0.00021 degrees, and an equatorial inclination of 4.45 degrees. The rotation period was 0.7228 solar days and the sidereal orbit period was 0.947 solar years. The planet had a radius of 5,483 kilometers and an equatorial circumference of 34,454 kilometers. Its mass was 5.83225e23×1023 kilograms, with a mean density of 0.844 grams per cubic centimeter. Its surface gravity was 1.30 meters per second per second and its escape velocity was 3.76 kilometers per second.

In 2381, Lieutenant jg Beckett Mariner sought to detonate a Genesis Device she had seized from Nick Locarno on Detrion 9, so as to prevent him from using it as leverage. However, she was unable to reach the planet due to pursuit from Nova Fleet, and instead ended up detonating the device in an ion storm. (LD: "Old Friends, New Planets")
