Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Discovery, and thus may contain spoilers.

DSC-65 was a UFP-02-type Federation shuttlecraft operated by Starfleet in the late 32nd century. It was attached to the USS Discovery.

In 3191, Cleveland Booker and Doctor Hugh Culber took DSC-65 in an attempt to retrieve a portal leading to Progenitor technology, into which Captain Michael Burnham had disappeared. The shuttle was able to lock onto the portal with a tractor beam and prevent it from falling farther towards a black hole, thanks to a memory from Jinaal Bix retained by Culber, but could not pull it free as long as the Progenitor technology was active. After the technology was deactivated by Burnham, Booker beamed her and Moll aboard DSC-65, and returned to Discovery with the portal. (DIS: "Life, Itself")
