Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

For the DS9 episode with a similar title, please see "Crossfire".


This episode or film summary is incompleteThis episode summary has been identified as lacking essential detail, and as such needs attention. Feel free to edit this page to assist with this expansion.
  • Note: Please respect others' copyrights by not copying external material without permission.

Background information[]

  • Picard asks Perim to "confirm that our transporters are configured for all Trill physiologies."
  • This story takes place about 10 years after the events of TNG: "The Host", and 20 years after the death of Jack R. Crusher.
  • The issue sold an estimated 10,848 copies in comic specialty stores in May 2001. [1] These figures do not cover copies sold on the direct market (bookstores, etc.).



Canon characters listed below are linked to the main article about them. Non-canon characters are not linked, but those that recurred, appearing or being mentioned in more than one story, are defined further in WildStorm DS9 characters and WildStorm TNG characters.

Main Characters[]

Jean-Luc Picard
Enterprise-E captain.
William T. Riker
Enterprise-E first officer.
Beverly Crusher
Enterprise-E CMO.
Julian Bashir
Doctor aboard Deep Space 9.
Ezri Dax
Command staff on DS9.
Android second officer aboard Enterprise-E.
Elias Vaughn
Senior Starfleet officer aboard DS9, captain of the Defiant.
Geordi La Forge
Chief engineer of the Enterprise-E.
Deanna Troi
Enterprise-E counselor.
Chief of operations on DS9.
Andorian member of Starfleet assigned to DS9.
Trill Ambassador, ex-lover of Beverly Crusher, latest host is Kareel Odan. Previously seen in TNG: "The Host".
Lenara Kahn
Trill scientist, abducted and left for dead. Previously seen in DS9: "Rejoined".
Verad Kalon
Unjoined Trill member/leader of the Purists. Previously seen in DS9: "Invasive Procedures".
Trill navigator aboard the Enterprise-E.
Bolian Doctor aboard the Enterprise-E.
Ro Laren
Starfleet security officer aboard DS9.
Kira Nerys
Commander of DS9


SS Tynan
Trill diplomatic transport carrying Odan.
Galvan III
Planet upon which the SS Tynan crashed. Galvan VI was previously seen in SCE #23: "Wildfire, Book 1".
Homeworld of the Trill species.
A faction of violent unjoined Trill trying to change the political situation on Trill. They believe that the symbionts are an alien species that has taken over their society, fewer than 50 members.
Torias Dax
A prior Dax host, memories of a time when he was trapped arise in Ezri.
USS Enterprise-E
Federation flagship.
A shuttle assigned to the Defiant
A shuttle assigned to the Defiant
USS Defiant
Federation starship assigned to DS9.
Deep Space 9
Federation starbase in the Bajoran system.

External link[]

Previous issue: Series Next issue:
First issue in series Divided We Fall
(WildStorm TNG/WildStorm DS9)
#2: "No Quarter"