Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Critical condition

A sensor reading of a lifesign in critical condition

Critical condition was a medical status indicating a high degree of illness or injury, and the possibility of death.

In 1986, Pavel Chekov's condition was critical following a head injury. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

In 2268, Ensign Rizzo was left in critical condition following an attack by the dikironium cloud creature. (TOS: "Obsession")

In 2372, Harry Kim reported that an adult Kazon male's life signs had been detected and that the Kazon was in critical condition. (VOY: "Basics, Part I")

In 2375, though in critical condition in the IKS Rotarran's sickbay, General Martok was expected to survive. (DS9: "Tacking Into the Wind")

In 2401, when Jean-Luc Picard and William T. Riker used the forward sensor array of Shuttlecraft Saavik to scan for lifesigns on the SS Eleos XII, they learned that one of the lifesigns was a Human in critical condition. It wasn't until they boarded the ship that they learned it was Beverly Crusher (who was placed in a medpod) that was in critical condition. (PIC: "The Next Generation")

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