Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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Odo and Kira review the criminal activity report

Odo and Kira review the criminal activity report

The criminal activity report was a daily report detailing the criminal activity aboard Deep Space 9. It was compiled and reviewed by Constable Odo and Major Kira Nerys.

In 2372, one such report featured sixteen items, including three petty thefts, two incidents of disorderly conduct, one assault (on Ijarna, by his wife), public lewdness (same couple), and political graffiti by Ojuy Gel. (DS9: "Crossfire")

Benjamin Sisko read several criminal activity reports after giving Senator Vreenak a forged data rod. Several days later, he noted in his personal log that he had found them difficult to read. (DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight")

In 2374, Odo commented to Vic Fontaine that Fontaine had programmed Lola Chrystal (based on Kira) to be so infatuated with him that she would find a criminal activity report fascinating. (DS9: "His Way")

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