Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Constitution of the United Federation of Planets was a legal document which defined the fundamental political principles of the United Federation of Planets. It contained "guarantees" related to fundamental individual rights of citizens.

The Seventh Guarantee against self-incrimination during legal proceedings was considered by Captain Picard in 2367 to be "one of the most important rights granted by the Federation." (TNG: "The Drumhead")

The Twelfth Guarantee of the Constitution dealt with the rights of artists, and defined an artist as "a person who creates an original artistic work." (VOY: "Author, Author")

These protections related to fundamental rights are extended to everyone, even non-Federation citizens, while on Federation territory (such as a Starfleet vessel). (TNG: "The Perfect Mate")

The Constitution required that the President of the United Federation of Planets inform the Starfleet commander in chief when temporarily transferring power to the Vice President of the United Federation of Planets. (DIS: "The Galactic Barrier")

The relationship between the Constitution of the United Federation of Planets and the Charter of the United Federation of Planets is unclear. Both contain rights for individuals; as Sisko put it in DS9: "Accession": "caste-based discrimination goes against the Federation Charter". It is most likely that the Charter describes the requirements for entry of a planet into the Federation (e.g., no entry if caste-based discrimination is in place), while the Constitution describes the principles, governing structure, and citizen rights once becoming a member (e.g., rights against self-incrimination).

According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 285, the Federation guaranteed freedom of the press to its citizens.

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