Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The constellations of the African sky long ago on Earth

""When I was a child, I'd lie under the stars for hours. I'd stare at them until I could see the shapes."

"Shapes?" "Faces and animals made out of stars."

"You're referring to constellations.""
– Iko and Seven of Nine, 2377 ("[[VOY: "Repentance" (episode)|<span style="cursor:help;" title="VOY: "Repentance" (I AM ERROR I AM ERROR)">VOY: "Repentance"]]")

A constellation is a group of stars grouped together in a particular configuration, as seen from a specific planet's surface.

Notable constellations visible from Earth include Orion and Leo. Notable constellations visible from other planets include "The Runners" (from Bajor) and the "Great Horn" (from the Brunali homeworld). (DS9: "Second Sight"; VOY: "Child's Play")

In 1930, a temporally displaced and cordrazine-overdosed Leonard McCoy recognized the constellations he was seeing in the night sky of New York City, but recognized that something seemed off. (TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever")

In 2401, "constellation" was listed as one of the results in Raffaela Musiker's search for the "red lady". (PIC: "The Next Generation")

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List of constellations[]

See also[]

External link[]
