Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Commemorative plaque

A commemorative plaque

A commemorative plaque was a type of sign that recalled a notable historical event.

A homemade commemorative plaque was presented to Captain Jean-Luc Picard by Jay Gordon Graas, Marissa Flores, and Paterson Supra in 2368. The plaque was in appreciation of Picard's help and patience while they were trapped in a turboshaft with him after the USS Enterprise-D was hit by a series of quantum filaments, causing widespread power loss. The plaque's layout roughly resembled that of the Enterprise dedication plaque.

The plaque read:

To Captain Picard:
In appreciation for the way you helped us get out of the turboshaft, and the way you helped us not be scared.
Jay Gordon Graas
Paterson Supra
Marissa Flores

Patterson was responsible for creating the back piece of the plaque. (TNG: "Disaster")

The plaque is the source of the children's surnames, which were not stated in dialogue nor appeared in the script. The characters' surnames are essentially the same as their actors' surnames.

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