Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Rutherford in Combat Simulation Smorgasborg

Rutherford at the start of the program

Combat Simulation Smorgasborg was a holographic program used for combat training purposes by Lieutenant Shaxs of the USS Cerritos.

The program put its user in hand-to-hand combat with numerous Borg drones. Shaxs put trainees in the program to teach them about dealing with defeat, not expecting them - with the odds overwhelmingly against them at twelve to one - to succeed at their efforts against the cybernetically enhanced race.

Ensign Sam Rutherford was put through the program in 2380 when considering a career change from engineering. To Shaxs' surprise, Rutherford defeated all the Borg in the simulation, due to the use of his own cybernetic implant. Shaxs made Rutherford a member of his security team, although Rutherford declined and went back to his original department. (LD: "Envoys")

See also[]
