Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The chameleon was a small lizard native to Earth, known for being able to change its coloration to blend in with its surroundings.

In 2259, Doctor Joseph M'Benga referred to Gorn hatchlings as "genetic chameleons" when discussing their innate invisibility to sensors. (SNW: "All Those Who Wander")

While discussing the M-113 creature's natural ability to take other forms, Robert Crater and Leonard McCoy discussed the similarity the creature bore to the chameleon, which possessed a natural ability to use protective coloring to survive in nature. (TOS: "The Man Trap")

Plethodon dunni, a type of chameleon, was included in the phylum search mode of the HMS Bounty. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

Doctor Beverly Crusher compared the Tarchanne to a chameleon, as the skin of the lifeform had similar mimetic qualities. (TNG: "Identity Crisis")

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